sâmbătă, 26 martie 2011

YG Says L.A. Is 'Feeling' His New Single 'Patty Cake'

'It's a club banger, but it sounds different than 'Toot It and Boot It,' ' rookie rapper tells MTV News.
By Jayson Rodriguez

But the newly minted XXL cover star — he's joined by 10 other upstarts for the magazine's annual Freshman issue — intended to impress with much more than his breakout number. His track "Patty Cake" has been gaining air play.

"I got another song on the radio on [L.A.'s] Power 106. It's a club banger, but it sounds different than 'Toot It and Boot It,' " YG told MTV News. "I'm just waiting on the label to get behind it. Everybody in L.A. is feeling it.
"I got some songs. I got some hits," he added. "I just got to get my label behind me. I'm all the way on the West Coast. So they gotta feel it, they got to get the buzz. So I got to go through the same thing I did with 'Toot It and Boot It.' "
Currently, the inked-up rapper is working on his next mixtape, the forthcoming Just Re'd Up, featuring guest spots by Chris Brown, Tyga and Nipsey Hussle, among others, and hosted by DJ Ill Will and DJ Mustard.
Mustard doubles as YG's personal DJ and one of his producers; he helmed the boards for "Patty Cake."
With "Patty Cake," YG said he's trying to get the club cracking once again.
"To me, it's something the ladies and the dudes want to hear when they get in the club," he explained. " 'Cause it's gonna get the girls dancing. And that's what I like to see when I get in the club."
Are you excited for new music from YG? Let us know in the comments!

vineri, 25 martie 2011

Michael Jakcson

Salutare din nou...astazi este o zi insorita de primavara-vara as putea spune....dar suntem abia la inceputul primaverii intr-o zi de vineri a lunii martie.Si ca tot sunt liber azi...am intrat putin pe net sa vad ce mai este nou si printre site'urile vizitate s-a numarat si Rottenu....care cred ca il cunoasteti aproape toti.Si tot uitandu-ma pe site,am descoperit un articol despre un artist care mi-a placut enorm de mult (ma refer la cariera muzicala,pe plan profesional mai exact).Mai jos va las articolul sa-l cititi si voi si sper sa nu va dezamageasca.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson is obviously, irrefutably, incontrovertibly insane. Several cages short of a puppy farm. Flying blind and solo into the Jungle of Bonkers. He is totally nuts, and we can prove it. The evidence is undeniable.
Now, before you reach for that "Back" button, let's make ourselves clear:
  • It has nothing to do with the skin lightening or the endless plastic surgeries. That's definitely vain, and probably unhealthy, but not strictly psychotic. In case after case, Jackson has denied undergoing surgery, but that's his prerogative as well, although any half-awake moron can look at his various photographs side by side and see naturally-impossible changes in his visage and physique. Jackson appears to have decided years ago that he wanted to resemble the sarcophagus mask of Tutankhamen. That's fine by us. Let the man chip away at his facial bones. After all, they belong to him.
  • Nor is there anything necessarily wrong with enjoying the company of young boys in one's bed, even if you're living under persistent accusations of being a pedophile. It's always hard for the man in the street to understand Michael Jackson's childhood and man-child demeanor he's always shown; maybe there's some rational explanation for all the stories and lawsuits. At the very least, a number of folks have gotten very personally rich by telling tales out of school (so to speak). Innocent until proven guilty, that's what we always say.
  • And hey, you can't blame a guy for marrying a Scientologist. Lisa Marie Presley was cute. Well, kinda. And besides, she was Elvis' daughter. Famous people are always attracted to other famous people. Nobody knows why. Granted that absolutely disturbing kiss he laid on her in public (on national television, for goodness sakes) was probably a little over the top, but who can resist the power of love? Besides, the Presley-Jackson matchup blew the world away and showed that yes, all those horrible bizzare rumors and stories you read in rags like the Enquirer and Weekly World News? Some of them might be true. That's pretty priceless.
  • And lots of people do dangerous things to their infant children. Although whereas most parental fuckups are on the order of feeding honey to their baby, Jackson's was dangling his kid over a fifth-floor balcony. Of course, he had a blanket over the baby's head to protect its identity, you know, to keep it safe. Oh well. What do you want? People make mistakes.
No, all that aside, we can confidently declare Michael Jackson nuts because of his guest appearance in episode 7F24 of The Simpsons. He voiced the character of an obese, caucasian mental patient claiming to be Michael Jackson. He answered to Jackson's name. He spoke, danced, sang, played music, and composed songs just like Jackson. And he was intimately familiar with the minutiae of Jackson's life. Not only is Michael Jackson in the episode, but the story is explicitly about him. The name "Michael Jackson" is spoken eight times during the course of the show.
Despite those facts, Jackson used a pseudonym, and a pathetic one at that. He was listed in the credits as "John Jay Smith." If Jackson entertained the notion for even a split second that anyone wouldn't recognize his voice, then he is clinically delusional and should be restrained. To the asylum with you, Jacko!
Also bear in mind Jackson's 3-D film for Disneyland, called Captain EO. What a piece of crap.


29 Aug 1958 Born Michael Joseph Jackson, Gary IN.
1978 Plays the Scarecrow in The Wiz.
1983 The Moonwalk first performed.
1985 Michael Jackson buys the publishing rights of over 100 Beatle songs to the tune of $47.5 million, outbidding the combined efforts of Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono. McCartney had recommeded to Jackson buying publishing rights as a wise business investment. McCartney has cursed Jackson (and probably himself) ever since.
12 Sep 1986 The film Captain EO, at a cost of $17M (one million dollars per minute), opens at Walt Disney World's EPCOT Center. Executive producer George Lucas, directed by Francis Ford Coppola.
Jan 1988 Autobiography, titled Moonwalk, released.
Feb 1990 Wins a Grammy award for Leave Me Alone, best video, short form.
Nov 1991 Video for Black or White released, wherein the King of Pop grabs his crotch, and smashes car windows. By this point in time the irony of the songtitle escapes no one; Jackson's skin is ghastly pallid, from skin lightening treatments.
Mar 1993 Boy Jordie Chandler "sleeping over" at Neverland on a frequent basis. Explains Jackson's former attorney, Bert Fields: "He never had a childhood. He is having one now. His buddies are 12-year-old kids. They have pillow fights and food fights."
1994 Civil case settled when boy Jordie Chandler is paid $20M.
26 May 1994 Married Elvis Presley's daughter, Lisa Marie Presley.
1996 Estimated income: $55M. Forbes
1996 "It's not just boys, and I've never invited just boys to come in my room. C'mon, that's just ridiculous... I have never invited anyone into my bed, ever. Children love me. I love them. They follow me. They want to be with me. But anybody can come in my bed. A child can come in my bed if they want." Prime Time Live.
1996 Father of boy Jordie Chandler files a civil suit for $60M claiming breach of contract, that Jackson discussed their case in public. The lawsuit is tossed in 1999.
14 Nov 1996 Married Debbie Rowe.
13 Feb 1997 Michael and Debbie's child, "Prince" Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., born.
3 Apr 1998 Paris Michael Katherine Jackson born, Spaulding Pain Medical Clinic, Beverly Hills.
1998 Steven Hoefflin performs nasal surgery on Michael Jackson. He now advises Jackson "against any further surgery."
Sep 2001 In a bizarre performance, Marlon Brando appears in sunglasses in a leather recliner onstage at Michael Jackson's 30th Anniversary Celebration in Madison Square Garden: "In any event while you're... wondering who that old fat fart is sitting there... I wanted you to realize that in that minute there were hundreds if not thousands of children hacked to death with a machete, beaten to death by their parents, got typhus and died of a disease." Brando examines his watch for a bit. "Hundreds of children have been hacked to death in the minute I've looked at my watch. Hundreds more were beaten. Don't chat! Think about what I'm saying. It could be you." Then the booing commences with great fervor.
6 Jul 2002 Accusing the music industry of cheating artists (a charge that is quite true), Jackson says of Tommy Mottola, head of Sony Music: "He's mean. He's a racist, and he's very, very, very devilish." On the same day, Jackson attended an anti-Sony rally in Manhattan. There, the crowd chanted "Down with Tommy Mottola".
10 Jul 2002 "Once I started breaking sales records -- I broke Elvis Presley's record, I broke The Beatles' record -- once I started doing that, overnight, they called me a freak, a homosexual, a child molester. They said I bleached my skin. They did everything they could to turn the public against me. It's a conspiracy." (AOL)
29 Aug 2002 Michael Jackson wins MTV's Artist of the Millennium award at the 2002 Video Music Awards. The only problem being, the award does not actually exist. His acceptance speech: "When I was a little boy in Indiana, if someone had told me that one day I'd be getting the Artist of the Millennium Award, I wouldn't have believed it." In reality, Britney Spears called Michael the "artist of the millennium" and handed the artist some kind of award-looking plaque thing. The confused Jackson put two and two together.
19 Nov 2002 Michael Jackson precariously dangles his child, Prince Michael Jackson II, outside a fourth-floor Adlon Hotel balcony window in Berlin. Video of this incident is seen everywhere, and nearly everyone found Jackson's behavior horrifying. The child has unknown parentage and an unknown birthdate, but is estimated to be six months old.
4 Dec 2002 Attempting to explain his lousy business acumen, Michael Jackson testifies in open court that "God blessed me with certain talents. I hate to use an analogy, but Walt Disney was creative but not good with business. His brother Roy handled the books."
Jan 2003 Sotheby's sues Michael Jackson after he renegs on a $1.3M bid on two paintings.
6 Oct 2003 Nobel authorities reveal the Michael Jackson has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
16 Nov 2003 In an interview with Louis Theroux, Michael Jackson's father Joe admits whipping the young Michael as a boy, making fine distinctions: "I whipped him with a switch and belt. I never beat him. You beat someone with a stick." Joe also asked that people stop referring to his son as Wacko. A magician, Majestik Magnificent, controls the interview with Joe and terminates it entirely, after Joe is asked whether Michael has a "boyfriend or girlfriend."
18 Nov 2003 Federal authorities raid Neverland over allegations made by a 12 year old boy (according to CourtTV reports.) Authorities issue arrest warrant for Jackson on multiple charges of child molestation.
19 Nov 2003 A press conference by the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department gives new details: $3M bail; Jackson asked to surrender passport; three search warrants were served in Socal; negotiations ongoing with regards to Jackson's surrender; warrants allege "criminal misconduct on the part of Michael Jackson", namely, sexual contact with a boy under the age of 14. At the end of the conference, the DA recommends parents not allow their children to stay overnight at Neverland.
20 Nov 2003 Michael Jackson surrenders to authorities in Santa Barbara and does the perp walk. Mugshot taken, released on $3M bond. Michael returns to Las Vegas but has trouble because too many people are following him. Brother Jermaine calls episode a "modern day lynching."

miercuri, 23 martie 2011

Ceva nou

    Salut.Am revenit se pare dupa o pauza scurta.Este ora 22:49 ora Romaniei si stau in casa avand ceva treaba la computer...Acum 10-15 minute am vorbit cu un coleg de munca intrebandu-l cate ceva despre un forum,iar prima intrebare fiind despre cum pot sa creez un "topic nou".La locul de munca am avut o situatie obisnuita ca intr-o zi de munca,dar avand in vedere ca am primit ceva marfa azi maine voi avea o zi cam grea si as vrea sa treaca mai repede ca azi,ma pis pe ea de zi.Ce trebuie sa prestez eu in schimbul banilor?Pai sa vedem...pe cartea de munca scrie functia de...dar nu se rezuma doar la...pentru ca fac....si....,dar si...pentru niste bani de...tot cacatu'.Colectivul este numeros si caterincos,facand pauze pentru ceva frumos.Sefii...ca si la alte firme intalnesti aceeasi mentalitate...si anume munca multa pe bani putini...si de aceea imi vine uneori sa-mi bag pula in mortii lor...exceptand o anumita persoana cu functia de sef..."eu   gen" si catusi de putin respect gasesc si pentru o alta persoana...Clau.Cei ce ma cunost si stiu ce as vrea sa spun as avea o rugaminte sa-si dea cu parerea despre asta....

marți, 22 martie 2011

Baba Vanga

A existat o doamnă Baba Vanga din Bulgaria fără vedere care a făcut multe preziceri, a scris şi o carte, iar referitor la al treilea război mondial a spus doar atât "Fiţi cu ochii pe Siria!" şi că al treilea război mondial v-a pleca de la un conflict nesemnificativ. Deci al treilea război v-a pleca tot din zona arabilor dar nu din Libia. Din câte am auzit în Siria sunt cei mai mulţi oameni anticapitalism.


Baba Vanga a fost o clarvăzătoare oarbă din Bulgaria, care de-a lungul timpului a făcut predicţii pentru întreaga populaţie a Pământului, şi a fost considerată o vindecătoare cu plante.

Pentru anul 2011, Baba Vanga a anunţat că vor dispărea animalele şi vegetaţia din emisfera nordică, în urma unor precipitaţii nucleare.

„Ca rezultat al căderilor de precipitaţii nucleare din nordul emisferei, vor dispărea animalele şi vegetaţia”, a prezis Baba Vanga pentru anul 2011.

Dacă ne gândim la accidentele nucleare din Japonia din ultima perioadă s-ar putea să se ajungă la asemenea consecinţe.

Alte predicţii ale clarvăzătoarei

2014- Majoritatea oamenilor vor suferi de cancer de piele sau alte boli ale pielii ( o consecinţă a războiului chimic)

2016- Europa va rămâne aproape goală

2023- Se va produce o mică schimbare a orbitei Pământului

2033- Gheţarii polari se topesc, iar nivelul oceanelor va creşte

2043- Economia mondială va prospera. În Europa, Islamul va conduce

2046- Orice organ va putea fi clonat

2088- Va apărea o nouă boală- îmbătrânirea în doar câteva secunde

2097- Îmbătrânirea rapidă va fi înfrântă

2100- Un soare artificial va ilumina partea întunecată a Pământului

2111- Oamenii vor deveni roboţi vii

2291- Soarele se va răci şi se vor face încercări de reaprindere

2296- Explozie solară puternică, se va schimba forţa gravitaţională, sateliţi vor începe să cadă din spaţiu

2304- Secretele Lunii vor fi descoperite

miercuri, 2 martie 2011


Este ora 00:07 pentru ca atat arata ceasul de la computer.Am trecut deja de ziua de miercuri care a fost oarecum de cacat(profesional vorbind)...iar acum urmeaza joi si vineri in care voi sta acasa pentru ca mai exista si concediu de odihna,nepunand la socoteala weekendul,care obligatoriu il am liber,macar cu atat sa ne alegem si noi din toata treaba asta,avand in vedere de legile care vor sa le bage in vigoare domnii din parlament,escrocii pulii mele.Ei nu stiu decat sa ne fure,dar nu numai ei,parerea mea.Sunt multi care o fac si nu ma mai mira faptul ca in Romania totul merge atat de prost si tot mai multi vor sa plece din tara,pacat de astia batrani care vor murii de foame cu zilele...sunt neajutorati si nimeni nu ii ia in considerare.As avea o revolutie pentru cei care sunt PRO,cu toate ca stiu ca nu ar interesa pe nimeni si nu ma pot face auzit,dar macar fac public;ar trebui sa ne ridicam sa facem ceva pentru noi macar,ganditi-va ca avem o viata inainte care nu trebuie ratata...Daca vreti sa se schimbe ceva in tara noastra,Tara Romaneasca,hai sa-i cutremuram sa simta ca totusi Romania are un popor care poate sa "mute muntii din loc".Daca stam si inghitim toate porcariile nu se va rezolva nimic,parerea mea.Daca crezi ca ai avea puterea sa mi te alaturi lasa-mi un comentariu,sau ai putea sa ma contactezi pe mess la id: racu1986 .Cand citesti acest mesaj,te rog fa un efort,macar,sa dam un semnal de alarma si sa ne dam cu parerile fiecare,sa-si spuna fiecare opinia,si de ce nu....poate reusim cumva sa facem ceva...Va astept cu comentarii,propuneri etc,este tarziu,ora 00:20....aici inchei postarea,sau cum ati vrea s-o numiti.

marți, 1 martie 2011

Regia vazuta prin ochii unui gandac de bucatarie

Univers. Calea Lactee. De la Soare, a treia la dreapta. Pamant. Tara o gasesti usor; se-aud manele si e acoperita de coji de seminte. Romania. Anul 2006. Luna februarie. Ziua a saptea (cand nu mai e nimic de facut). Este ora [12:01] si 34 de secunde. Un cersetor care isi permite sa se imbete in fiecare seara doarme zambind pe un calorifer intr-un hol si vorbeste in somn. In aceeasi secunda, un tanar se intoarce acasa si isi cumpara cu ultimii 50.000 o shaorma, desi stie ca va regreta apoi ca nu si-a luat o bere. Altundeva, exact la aceeasi ora, o fata care altfel nu suporta alcoolul trage o dusca sa prinda curaj sa intre in baie in camin. Tot atunci, un pescarus de moda veche incearca sa prinda peste in Dambovita in timp ce toti prietenii lui cotrobaie in imensele gramezi de gunoi. Suntem in Regie.

Iar eu sunt Rocky. De la cockroach. La noi, gandacii de bucatarie, Rocky e un nume comun. Am auzit ca s-a facut si un film cu numele asta. De fapt, eu sunt Rocky 3. Pentru ca am 256 de frati, iar mama nu a stiut atatea nume… Stau in Regie de cand ma stiu. In anii nostri – 21; in anii vostri – vreo 3 saptamani. Am schimbat sistemul de masurare a timpului pentru ca multi gandaci aveau caderi nervoase pentru ca li se parea ca traiesc prea putin. Acum macar putem sa fredonam „am doar optispe ani” si „ca la 20 de ani” fara sa ne simtim prost. Ascultam multa muzica prin camine. Eu sunt fan Omul cu sobolani si Parazitii. Nu stiu de ce, dar pur si simplu ma regasesc in muzica lor.

Acum insa ne-am mutat intr-o camera unde se asculta numai manele. Cu toate insistentele mele, mama nu vrea sa plecam. Zice ca noua ne face bine multa mizerie. Inainte stateam la doi rockeri, dar multi dintre fratii mei au murit de foame. Am mai ramas vreo 200 (asa a aproximat mama, ca era prea ocupata cu mutatul sa se apuce sa ne numere). Ne-am gandit de multe ori ca traim rau si c-ar trebui sa ne mutam din Regie, dar aici ne simtim ca acasa… Avem prieteni in toate caminele si, lucru invatat de la studenti, facem chefuri in fiecare seara. Regia e un loc unic, zic eu, desi n-am calatorit prea mult. Aici oamenii se culca dimineata la 5 si se trezesc la pranz de patru ori pe saptamana. In rest nu dorm deloc. Studentii mananca la cantina (ca si noi, de altfel, cand iesim sa mancam in oras), dar cateodata mai sar peste mese. Niciodata insa peste beri. Regula de aur a studentului din Regie este „de bere se gasesc intotdeauna bani”. Asta nu e tocmai bine pentru noi. In ciuda parerii proaste si prejudecatilor care exista in ceea ce ne priveste, sa stiti ca gandacii de bucatarie nu beau, nu fumeaza si nu fac sex neprotejat. In locuri deschise, unde putem fi calcati, adica… Se intampla sa mai iesim si pe coridor, pentru ca multi studenti gatesc afara, la usa. Mancarea e cam fierbinte, dar ne-am obisnuit. Chiar ne amuzam copios cand se mai mira câte unul „Oau, ce repede a scazut mancarea!” Insa viata de camin nu e tot timpul roz pentru un gandac.

„Deratizare” e un cuvant care ne da fiori. Noroc ca ne-am obisnuit cu toate tipurile de otrava. Doar ne-am obisnuit noi cu zacusca, ce naiba… A, si mai nou au aparut niste impostori care vin, chipurile, sa deratizeze camerele, cu o sticla cu apa si detergent. V-ati prins, suntem pe mana cu ei! Simbioza, daca vreti. Ei iau 50.000 pe camera, iar noi facem pe mortii o ora – doua, apoi nu ne mai deranjeaza nimeni cateva saptamani. Daca vor sa disparem pentru cateva zile, ne-am inteles cu ei sa puna lapte si ciocolata în sticla. Mancam pe saturate si plecam intr-o excursie, dupa care revenim. Mergem prin oras. Apropo, Regia e paradisul cluburilor ieftine. Cred ca sunt mai putine cosuri de gunoi în Regie decat cluburi. Ceea ce nu pare sa deranjeze pe nimeni, iar pe noi cu atat mai putin. E mai usor s-ajungi la resturi daca sunt aruncate pe strada. In ultima vreme insa, in unele camine din Regie e prea multa mizerie chiar si pentru noi. Ca sa nu mai vorbesc de igrasie… Chiar am auzit doi studenti vorbind „ba, avem igrasie, dar macar nu avem gandaci”. Pai normal…cum cred ei ca putem sta in mirosul ala?! Am inceput sa ne mutam in caminele de la strada, cele cateva renovate. Nu de alta, dar mai vin cateodata in vizita prietenii nostri din centru si ne e cam rusine sa-i primim in conditiile alea.

Aseara ne-am uitat toata familia, impreuna cu locatarii camerei, la „A bug’s life”, la calculator. Nu mi s-a parut ca aia ar fi avut cine stie ce viata. Daca vrea vreun regizor sa vada ce inseamna cu adevarat o viata fericita de gandac, sa vina in Regie!